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I came today with the final part of the above topic, thinking about the real life implications of being devoted to prayer, in response to possessing or acquiring our inheritance in Christ, including other expectations.

Reference: Romans 12:12 Berean Study Bible (BSB) "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in prayer."

Our focus in this article is "being persistent in prayer." I know from experience that the power of consistent prayer can obtain any inheritance in Christ and also resolve any problems, but the challenge many Christians experience is - how faithful we can be in maintaining such prayer lifestyle and be persistent any longer. However, it personally starts with unwavering commitment to our daily times of prayer which boils down to a sweet, growing sense of intimacy with God and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. In other words, our persistent prayer must be punctuated with the idea of strengthening our personal relationship with the Godhead. And the next in our discussion is -

Be Persistent in prayer: Why did Paul recommend being persistent in prayer? It's because we can never be helpless or go empty handed before God. In fact, by persistent prayer, we establish a strong sense of trust and togetherness with God. In any meaningful relationship, trust is built over time. Therefore, persistent prayer helps us to establish a mutual display of stability in our relationship with God. For instance, in Luke 18:1, Jesus told a parable about the need to pray at all times and not lose heart. In this chapter, you'll find Jesus' teaching on the benefit of persistent prayer.

If we read it further down, Jesus shared about a widow who found a greater capacity for patience in her interactions with an unjust judge while persistently praying and wearing the judge out with her problem. As she persisted in visiting the unjust judge, trust and association were established between them over time, until the judge made her feel at home and accepted her in every way possible. Then she began to feel like the judge understood her better until he honoured her case. So this implies that the sure and consistent way of building our intimate relationship with God is through persistent prayer. More so, the Lord Jesus wants us to acknowledge that our heavenly Father to whom we pray is nothing like the unjust judge. He attends to us and settles us swiftly.

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV) reads, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Why did Paul say, "be anxious for nothing?" It simply means that God does not want us to nag about our problems or complain. As you pray consistently with the right attitude, there is always a daily indication of progress you'll actualise in the spiritual realm, whether or not you acknowledge it. You'll get to the point where you become less concerned about obtaining your request or promise and more interested in expressing Godly qualities, such as untold assurance and unspeakable joy because you've been inundated or engulfed with the richness of your fellowship with God and His Spirit. Why? Its because your persistent prayer has been working in you tremendously, internalizing the truth you've digested from the Scriptures, which are more likely connected to the promises you're expecting, thereby conditioning you to undergo a change in your thought pattern, and transforming you from the inside out to handle the inheritance in reality, as it becomes your reality.

Beloved, the result of persistent prayer is much more than obtaining your promised inheritance or expectations as a reality. It affords you a clearer view of the heaven's best you can experience right here on earth. And it won't be long before you acquire your desires and expectations and convert it to use or active lifestyle in the physical realm. Therefore, bear in mind that we've not been summoned to pray at will, but to pray persistently. Notably, our persistence in prayer does not change God's mind to honour our prayer or grant us our inheritance because they are already guaranteed in Christ, instead it changes us inwardly, thereby affording us the platform to develop a more intimate relationship with God. This means that persistent prayer requires several key elements - such as commitment and trust from our ends. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - Micah 7:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 John 3:22; Colossians 4:2; 1 John 5:14-15.

Guided Prayer: Thank you heavenly Father for your inspirational, motivational, uplifting and encouraging message about being persistent in prayer. By your grace and Spirit, I'm accustomed to holding quality fellowship with you through my daily devotions, and I continually flow in the attitude of prayer, thereby experiencing all the blessings you have made available for me in Christ. Thus I'm full of your manifest presence, evermore communing with you regarding my inheritance and purpose in Christ and enjoying your daily load of benefits in Jesus' Name, Amen!




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