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Omnipresent favour plainly has ubiquitous influence; it is the goodness of God that is widely or constantly encountered. That's what the Lord is saying and confirming to be our portion this year. It will be all-present, thereby having prolonged and highly fertile effects in every aspect of our lives. More below!

Reference: Proverbs 3:1-4 English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)

"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them round your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favour and good success in the sight of God and man."

This is the very first day of the year and I wish you a happy and prosperous new year. To walk in favour is a perfect and operative condition of faith in God's goodness and abundant supply, and it denotes a galvanized declaration of our agreement with what God has declared concerning us, in relation to His promises. It is the perfect will of God concerning us in Christ Jesus and congratulations! You have arrived in this new year to function in omnipresent favour, because in the volume of the book, it is written that you must do so.

If you are reading this, I have a good news for you: Arise, ashine; for your light has come! The glory of the Lord is risen upon you in the precious name of Jesus! Omnipresent favour shall cause you to become radiant, and your heart will always swell with cloud nine, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, and wealth, from all aspects and directions of this present world shall be channelled towards you.

You'll keep on falling into the arms of conscious and unconscious state of events in which you'll be indescribably engulfed by omnipresent favour, thereby quelling all kinds of insufficiency. You'll become a highly independent autonomous investor and an influential financial authority. In your investment decisions, you'll always get it right the first time. Omnipresent favour will position you to be a leading light in managing large amounts of diverse worldwide currencies. Why so? You're being regulated by God's favour.

You'll be locked up in a symbiotic embrace with the right and influential people, and watch this, because you have gained favour in the sight of God and with men, your discussions will easily lead to monetary value of massive benefits and fulfilment of your expectations. People will perceive you through the window of favour. As you come in contact with men and women of substance, the signalling voice they'll keep hearing in the depths of their spirits - is the voice to favour you hugely.

As you remain in good terms with the right company, both your utterances and the lyrics of your conversations with them - will be ringing in their minds repeatedly. Indeed, the right words will be registered upon your tongue, and as men listen to you, the utterances of your entity will permeate their inwardness, thereby succeeding in their inner reality, as the voice that will cause them to favour you, because all your words have become a verbal script of divine possibilities.

As a result of this omnipresent favour, you are limitless in amassing huge wealth due to increased financial capability; your ardent ability to gather true riches shall never be minimised; the works of your hands will be greatly advanced and established; your bank accounts shall be open continually; they shall be available to all and sundry both day or night, such that all manner of men will keep transferring to you, untold wealth and miracle money that come without sorrow. Why? In His favour, God has honoured you.

This year, Supreme Deity has made you an eternal excellence; a joy of many generations. You shall drink the milk of the Gentiles, and milk the breast of kings. Even a little one among us shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. The Lord has hastened it, because the set time to favour you is now! Hallelujah!

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 58:11; Psalm 5:12; Psalm 30:5; Psalm 84:11; Psalm 90:17.

Guided Prayer:

Heavenly Father, you will arise and have compassion on me, for it is time to show me your favour without reservation; yes, the appointed time and year have come, in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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