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God shows immense favour to the righteous and His favour comes from the standpoint of peace with prosperity. When you entertain the sense of God's favour, His demonstration of delight becomes evident in your life. This visible evidence will always reveal that you have God's approval.

Reference: Psalm 5:12 New International Version (NIV) "Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield."

The term, "the righteous" means the one who is in right standing with God. It means to be clothed in 'the righteousness of God; you are acceptable before God and you're highly qualified for His favour (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). And the righteousness of God which we have received as a gift, is what qualifies us for God's favour.

When God's favour is working in your life, many a time, people you don't expect could start favouring you - often for reasons they can't explain by themselves. That's exactly what happened to Samuel. The Bible says, "And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favour with the LORD and with people" (1 Samuel 2:26 NIV). It is this same favour of God that made it possible for some outstanding biblical figures, who otherwise would've been considered as ordinary people, to miraculously accomplish great things.

Although God's favour brings prosperity, every prosperity does not always mean God's favour. In other words, it does not imply that everyone who is prosperous has found favour with God. In Jeremiah 12:1(NLT), Jeremiah brought a complaint before the Lord asking: "Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?" So the wicked may prosper; those who are treacherous can thrive too. But that does not mean they're favoured of God.

As the righteous, you are the beloved and favoured of God. You can also grow conscious of it because God's favour can be felt in spirit. Christ lives in you and the Holy Spirit uses the Word of God you speak to cause things to work in your favour because God is always with you. So as the favoured, you can go about your daily business expecting God's goodness because you know that it's your right to experience His goodness, according to His purpose for your life (Romans 8:28 NIV). Beloved you are highly favoured and for this reason, there will always be a quiet confidence within which guarantees and ensures your continual progress. In addition, being "favoured" does not mean that you will never experience life's challenges, but rather it means that even when you do, you're favoured to prevail in the midst of it and win.

Every single moment of God's favour will always put you on a vantage point that affords you divine approval as well as great delight from men. Therefore give yourself to the Word and yield to the Spirit of God so as to walk with the consciousness of God's favour in your life and expect God's goodness at all times.

Scripture Reading - Genesis 39:21; Proverbs 3:3-4; Psalm 89:17; Isaiah 60:10.

Guided Prayer: God is so good to me and it's evident in my life every day. I walk in favour and I'm surrounded by it like a shield. Everything I get involved in prospers and produces excellent results. Hence, I enjoy the treasures of prosperity and I profitably engage divine attention. The Holy Spirit beautifies my life with an ever increasing glory of God. Hallelujah!

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