The Word of God defines what our outlook and state of mind should be towards all that God has called us to experience and become, by His grace. In Christ Jesus, we have a glorious life, a glorious destiny to fulfil and a glorious end to behold. What does the Scripture say about this end?
Reference: Ecclesiastes 7:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB)"The end of a matter is better than its beginning..."
We are called to live for God, and this life is rooted in Christ. Its a life of purpose, purity, active persistence, as well as continual response to the Word in any given circumstance. However, better is the end or the outcome of everything we encounter in our Christian life.
Even at the very end of time, the Bible says, "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is" (1 John 3:2 ESV), meaning that we are a divine project being conditioned to manifest in the liveliness of progressive perfection. So true and glorious!
Have you ever noticed what happens during the metamorphosis of a butterfly? During this process of becoming, or in the beginning stage, the appearance of the moth species looks extremely unpleasant and even repulsive. However, look ahead and visualise that insect with gorgeous wings, playing in the sunbeams, sipping at the flowers, and full of happiness and life.
Although it undergoes several stages in its life cycle such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult, each stage has a completely different of version of appearance and serves a different purpose in the life of the insect. As the body tissue breaks down and reforms as wings, legs, and other adult parts, it gravitates towards the ending process, and all of a sudden, it changes from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Pauline epistolary expression numbered as Philippians 3:12-14 reads:
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (NIV).
Therefore, just like apostle Paul, you must keep pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The need to persist till the end is very paramount in the divinely ordained path God has placed you, because the Lord is very much interested in the end product. Therefore, never despise any good thing or good work happening in your life by the enabling influence of the Holy Spirit. In a nutshell, don't ever take any stage in your wholehearted service to the Lord for granted; refuse to be small in your own eyes, for your are blessed beyond any imaginative capacity.
The dedicated outreach team, the outcome of the responses from the list of "newly saved" in your recent evangelism, the daily or weekly Bible study sessions, the regular exercise of spiritual gifts, the sustained investments in your business world, the follow up emails and phone calls that strengthen the new converts, the text of Spirit-inspired encouragement that builds and uplifts, that hospitality and munificent contribution in preparing a meal for the sick, the fervent heartfelt prayer for the recovery of the sick, and the new opportunity to invest in that business with little - They all count before God.
Yes, that's the reason God is telling you today, by paraphrasing the insightful saying and wisdom of Solomon, "Don't display a contempt or get weary in participating in those good works. Don't consider them as irrelevant or insignificant, for better is the end of a matter than the beginning thereof." You need to develop a grandly regard in your heart towards every good thing you are doing for the Lord today, for they have a far-reaching effect in your world. Yes, it's so easy for some Christians with broken focus to give attention to those that are critical of their good works or deeds as though they are inconsequential - until they find themselves saying things like, "This is a waste of time. This will never amount to anything. Is it really worth it?" But beloved, I exhort you to consciously persevere in your faithful dealings with the Lord because nothing is inappreciable when God is involved.
No matter the challenge you encounter in life, if you are living a life of faith, sustaining an intimate fellowship with the precious Holy Spirit, and beholding God in the mirror of His Word, the end will justify your affirmative responses in relation to how you've lived your life faithfully. Therefore, in every situation, brighten up and keep making a positive and eternal impact by the Spirit, for better is the end of a thing than its beginning. Shalom!
Exuberant Declaration:I have a glorious destiny in Christ Jesus and my life is chained in one direction - a life of testimonies filled with God's goodness and His ever increasing glory. I function with the right mentality, knowing that with God, all things work together for my good. I actively possess the mind of Christ; therefore all I see is victory, progress and endless possibilities. I have the wisdom for every situation, and I function with tactical acumen and accurate insight into the reality of my good ending in every circumstance, thereby fulfilling God's perfect will at every stage of my Christian life. Hallelujah!