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The Holy Spirit is always interested in working out the divine nature in us as we continually cooperate with Him in doing so. This means that living a life, full of happiness and joyful exuberance should be all about pleasing the Lord Jesus Christ and yielding to the government of the Holy Spirit. That way, the necessity of transforming the attitude of the mind and operating fully in newness of life becomes more evident in our Christian living. Therefore a happy heart comes as a result of God's goodness and mercy, His ultimate love, and supreme divine influence, as we keep on experiencing His power in every aspect of life.

Reference: Proverbs 17:22 New Century Version (NCV)

"A happy heart is like good medicine, but a broken spirit drains your strength."

In the above versified Scripture, a happy heart is in comparison with a broken spirit. A broken spirit saps the strength and can even dry the bones up, leaving the person with an injured phsychological state of mind and personality disorder. But the Bible says, "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken" (Proverbs 15:13 NASB).

The heart cannot be seen because it is out of sight, and therefore since that is the case, King Solomon stated that, we know a joyful heart because it makes a cheerful face, which is significant of the quality of monumental truth in relation to cloud nine. The preciousness of a happy heart can never be subverted; it gives passion to the faith we confess in the Lord.

A happy heart is a stamping-tool for divine manifestations through the Spirit; they are inseparably connected. In fact, the strength of doing things well in this present world is lodged in the hands of a happy heart. When you steadily function on cloud nine, you easily believe and come into agreement or hearty concord with what God declares to be true. As you reach the crescendo of an ever-growing conviction of the effects of cloud nine, you'll sincerely and truly believe this: that your external appearance will correspond with the real, internal joy in you. When you become the complete revelation of cloud nine in real life, contemporary fellow Christians and even unbelievers in your world will be easily drawn to you.

A happy heart functions from a place of security, favour, dignity and power. It is an attitude of the heart, and when it is converted into principles of action, the person will grow in the depths of a Christian character. To instantiate this verity with a versified statement, when apostle Paul mentioned that we should be made new in the attitude of our minds, functioning steadily on cloud nine is part of being made new in the realm of human mind (see Ephesians 4:23 NIV).

By keeping a happy heart and cheerful countenance, you will surely become brighter and brighter, and go from strength to strength. Stay tuned for part 5. Shalom!

Scripture Reading - 1 Chronicles 16:27; Psalm 5:11; Esther 8:16; Romans 14:17.

Guided Prayer:

Heavenly Father, today I make a good, sincere, and hearty confession of joy to your holy name, acknowledging that my happy heart is your permanent habitation through your Spirit at work in me. Thank you Father for the efficacy of my faith by the immense influence of functioning on cloud nine, in Jesus' Name, Amen!




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